

11/21(Sat), GMT1800/EST1300/JST+0300(11/22)
WQXR, New York, New York, USA
1:00PM Saturday Opera: Verdi's Requiem
Verdi's Requiem, performed by the Los Angeles Opera, is featured this week.
Los Angeles Opera launched its 22nd season with Placido Domingo conducting LA Opera’s first-ever performance of Verdi’s Requiem featuring a quartet of world-class singers: Canadian soprano Adrianne Pieczonka, American mezzo-soprano Stephanie Blythe, Mexican tenor Arturo Chacon-Cruz, and German bass Rene Pape. Placido Domingo conducts the Los Angeles Opera Chorus and Orchestra. This performance was dedicated to the memory of tenor Luciano Pavarotti and Edgar Baitzel, the Company’s late Chief Operating Officer. (5 hrs..)

GMT 1800/JST+0300(11/22) WUOT, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
GMT 1830/JST+0330(11/22) WUGA, Athens, Georgia, USA
GMT 1930/JST+0430(11/22) WGBH All Classical HD2, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

NPR World of Opera: W. A. MOZART: Don Giovanni
Vienna State Opera
Vienna State Opera Orchestra and Chorus
Constantinos Carydis, conductor
CAST: Ildebrando d'Arcangelo (Don Giovanni); Rene Pape (Leporello); Ricarda Merbeth (Donna Anna); Soile Isokoski (Donna Elvira); Michael Schade (Don Ottavio); Michaele Selinger (Zerlina); Boaz Daniel (Masetto); Eric Halfvarson (Commendatore)
Mozart's astonishing dramma giocoso -- literally, "playful drama" -- succeeds on so many different levels that nearly every new production reveals something previously unheard or unappreciated. This one brings us a first-rate cast, from a truly historic operatic venue. (3 hrs., 30 min.)